Bringing the ocean to Madrid

The new wave park in Madrid

Madrid will host the largest urban beach in Europe. A surfer’s paradise brought to you by Teras Capital, Stoneweg and Atlético de Madrid, with the revolutionary technology of Wavegarden.

The Wave Park

This new wave park in Madrid, which is part of the development of the new Sports City promoted by Atlético de Madrid in the lands surrounding the Cívitas Metropolitano stadium, will take this surfing experience to a new level in the city. It is the largest urban beach in Europe.

With a sustainable and eco-friendly design

Wavegarden’s wave generation system stands out as the most efficient on the market, with a maximum consumption of 1 kWh per wave (0.10€/wave). It is designed to minimize energy losses, maximize the performance of machinery, and also recover and reuse part of the energy generated in each wave. Wavegarden lagoons are designed to offer the best quality, quantity, and variety of waves, withlow energy and water consumption. In addition, this sustainable approach includes reducing water waste, as only evaporation causes loss. In fact, the possibility of recycling water from the Sports City is being assessed for this project.


The vision of this project goes beyond creating a simple tourist attraction. It’s about generating a significant impact on the local community, offering a space for sports, fun and leisure, and promoting a healthy and active lifestyle. In addition, the facility will beequipped with a surf school and shop, a skatepark, beach bars, areas for children, and other beach sports activities in the sand, making thisplace a complete leisure destination for all.

Environmental impact

Energy consumption of only c. 350 KWh - ten times less than comparative pneumatic wave systems and less energy than a single chair lift at a ski resort.

WaveGarden's water treatment system is designed to minimize energy consumption and utilize nearly zero chemicals. The possibility of recycling the water from the Sports City is being considered.

The CO2 footprint generated by driving 4km to a beach is greater than that of surfing 1 hour in a WaveGarden Cove.

Potential for complete energy self-sufficient systems with the use of photovoltaics.

An estimated annual water consumption of only c. 30,000 to 50,000m3 - less water than three to four holes of a golf course and similar to an Olympic swimming pool.

The materials used in the construction of the lagoons are non-toxic and can be recycled in the future as required.


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